





On the 100th anniversary of the birth of N G Basov. Conferences and symposia

Nikolai Gennadievich Basov (on the 100th anniversary of his birth) (Joint scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division, the Nanotechnology Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and the Scientific Councils of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS (LPI) and the A M Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the RAS Academy of Sciences (LPI, November 28, 2022))

A solemn meeting (scientific session) of the Physical Sciences Division (PSD) and the Nanotechnology Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), as well as the Scientific Councils of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI) RAS and the A M Prokhorov General Physics Institute (GPI) RAS, On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of N G Basov: the 'BASOV READINGS,' was held in the Assembly Hall of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute on November 28, 2022.
Opening remarks were made by:
Kolachevsky N N (LPI), Kveder V V (PSD RAS), Garnov S V (GPI RAS)
The scientific program of the joint meeting, published on the website of the PSD RAS (, included the following reports and speeches:
Session 1. Chair: Academician G A Mesyats

  1. Zubarev I G (LPI, National Research Nuclear University (NRNU) Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Moscow). N G Basov: a pioneer and organizer of laser research in the USSR.
  2. Kolachevsky N N (LPI, Moscow). From the first masers to optical frequency standards.
  3. Pikhtin N A (A F Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute (PTI) RAS, St. Petersburg). High-power near-IR laser diodes: history, state of the art, and development prospects.
  4. Konov V I (Natural Science Research Center, GPI RAS, Moscow). Modern micro- and nanotechnologies of laser processing of materials.

  5. Session 2. Chair: Academician I A Shcherbakov
  6. Gus'kov S Yu (LPI, Moscow). N G Basov: laser thermonuclear fusion and high energy density physics.
  7. Mikaelyan G T (LASSARD LLC, NPP Inzhekt LLC, Moscow). One- and two-D diode laser arrays. Technology of production and application.
  8. Starodubtsev M V (FRC Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod). Research in the field of plasma physics and particle acceleration with the PEARL petawatt laser.
  9. Evtikhiev N N (STA IRE Polyus, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow). On the application of laser technologies in industry and medicine.
  10. El'tsov K N (GPI RAS). Surface physics for heterogeneous catalysis, quantum computing, and two-dimensional materials.
  11. Zvorykin V D (LPI, Moscow). N G Basov's role in work on excimer laser research: a half-century history from the launch of the first Xe2 laser at the LPI to modern laser systems.
For the 100th anniversary of N G Basov's birth, scientific and biographical materials were published in the journal Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (UFN) (see Refs [1—3]), as was a special issue of the journal Quantum Electronics (QE) [4]. Papers written on the basis of reports 1, 3, and 5 were published in QE (see [5—7]), and those written on the basis of reports 2 and 10 are published below in this issue of UFN (see [8, 9]).

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2022.11.039345
PACS: 01.10.Fv, 01.60.+q (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2022.11.039345
Citation: "Nikolai Gennadievich Basov (on the 100th anniversary of his birth) (Joint scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division, the Nanotechnology Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and the Scientific Councils of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS (LPI) and the A M Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the RAS Academy of Sciences (LPI, November 28, 2022))" Phys. Usp. 66 1025–1025 (2023)
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28th, November 2022

Оригинал: «К 100-летию со дня рождения Николая Геннадиевича Басова (Торжественное заседание (объединённая научная сессия) Отделения физических наук, Отделения нанотехнологий Российской академии наук (РАН) и Учёных советов Физического института им. П.Н. Лебедева РАН и Института общей физики им. А.М. Прохорова РАН (ФИАН 28 ноября 2022 г.))» УФН 193 1090–1090 (2023); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2022.11.039345

N.G. Basov is author of Physics-Uspekhi

References (9) Similar articles (20) ↓

  1. Basov Readings Joint meeting (scientific session) of the Physical Sciences Division, the Nanotechnology Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Scientific Councils of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS and the A M Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the RAS Academy of Sciences (LPI, November 28, 2022)65 1211–1211 (2022)
  2. N.N. Kolachevsky, S.Yu. Savinov “Nikolai Gennadievich Basov (an insight into the life story of an outstanding physicist)65 1212–1216 (2022)
  3. Basov Readings67 292–292 (2024)
  4. Nikolai Gennadievich Basov (on the 100th anniversary of his birth)65 1209–1210 (2022)
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  12. 100th anniversary of the birth of S. I. Vavilov34 (3) 215–216 (1991)
  13. On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of P. N. Lebedev5 616–616 (1963)
  14. I.E. Tamm “Yakov Il’ich Frenkel5 173–194 (1962)
  15. A.S. Borovik-Romanov “Life and scientific work of P L Kapitza37 1159–1166 (1994)
  16. For the centenary of L. I. Mandel’shtam22 589–589 (1979)
  17. V.V. Migulin “L. I. Mandel’shtam and research in radiointerferometry22 640–647 (1979)
  18. L.B. Okun “Current status of elementary particle physics41 553–557 (1998)
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