





Reviews of topical problems

Photoionization of gases and vapors by vacuum ultraviolet radiation

1. Introduction 888
2. Initial experiments 889
3. Methods of quantitative study of photoionization 889
4. Variation of the photoionization efficiency near the appearance thresholds of ions 891
5. The semi-empirical method of calculating the ionization potentials of organic compounds 893
6. Photoionization cross-sections of atoms and simple molecules 894
7. The relation of the first adiabatic ionization potentials to the structures of molecules 895
8. Ionization potentials and electronic absorption spectra of organic compounds 907
9. Mass-spectrometric study of photoionization processes 909
10. Kinetic-energy distribution of electrons in photoionization of aromatic compounds 910
11. Sensitized photoionization 915
12. Summary of the first adiabatic ionization potentials of molecular gases and vapors 925
Bibliography 925

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1964v006n06ABEH003617
Citation: Vilesov F I "Photoionization of gases and vapors by vacuum ultraviolet radiation" Sov. Phys. Usp. 6 888–929 (1964)
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Оригинал: Вилесов Ф И «Фотоионизация газов и паров вакуумным ультрафиолетовым излучением» УФН 81 669–738 (1963); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0081.196312c.0669

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