





Reviews of topical problems

Shock waves in a transverse magnetic field

,  a
a Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Box 530, Uppsala, S-75121, Sweden

Experimental and theoretical work on ionizing shock waves in a fully ionized plasma is reviewed for the case in which a magnetic field is imposed parallel to the plane of the shock front. The boundary conditions for ionizing shocks are discussed. It is shown that the additional boundary conditions required for ionizing shock waves follow from the ionizational stability of the gas ahead of the shock front. The front structure of ionizing shocks is analyzed qualitatively: some calculated results are also reported. Experimental results on magnetic structures are discussed. The physical mechanisms which shape the shock front in a plasma are examined. Some results calculated for the front structure in a plasma are reported.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1979v022n11ABEH005642
PACS: 52.35.Tc
DOI: 10.1070/PU1979v022n11ABEH005642
Citation: Velikovich A L, Liberman M A "Shock waves in a transverse magnetic field" Sov. Phys. Usp. 22 843–859 (1979)
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PT Journal Article
TI Shock waves in a transverse magnetic field
AU Velikovich A L
FAU Velikovich AL
AU Liberman M A
FAU Liberman MA
DP 10 Nov, 1979
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 22
IP 11
PG 843-859
RX 10.1070/PU1979v022n11ABEH005642
SO Phys. Usp. 1979 Nov 10;22(11):843-859

Оригинал: Великович А Л, Либерман М А «Ударные волны в поперечном магнитном поле» УФН 129 377–406 (1979); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0129.197911a.0377

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